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Jan Flynn

There Are No More ICU Beds in Idaho, and I’m Terrified

So here are some haiku

Unvaccinated Have filled the ICU beds Here, in our state, now

Health care’s been rationed Called “crisis standards of care” My love, be cautious

Please don’t ride your bike Or clean the gutters this week What if you get hurt

What if we’re too old You say we’ve many years left And we’ve got our shots

But that won’t matter Doctors weigh the odds Who’s got the best chance?

Car crash coming in The driver’s only 20 Had his seatbelt on

Surgery’s hopeful He’s got a fighting chance, and Maybe more than us

We’re in our sixties Our health’s pretty good, but still The equation’s grim

Those who won’t get shots Through anger, distrust, or fear Is this what they want?

Does the pandemic Fit their vision of the world So it must not end?

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